We aren’t so great about updating our blog here in the Mehta lab. However, we’ve had a lot of exciting events happen over the last few months, including graduations, outreach, awards, and field work. See some snapshots from the past few months in the gallery below.
The lab group gathered to support our newest graduate, Dr. Ben Higgins.Honorary lab member Sarah McKay Stroebel discusses her work on sea otter sensory systems with a student.The Mehta lab hosted several stations at the Fish, Fins, and Flukes Fall Festival and the Seymour Center. Kelley ran a squid dissection station.Three of us happened to wear purple pants and black shirts on the same day! Sarah was wearing a black shirt, so we let her join our photoWe led a 5-week outreach program at Santa Cruz Gardens Elementary. For 1 hour each Friday, students learned about morphology, diversity, and adaptations of California bird and mammals. Here, students are testing which “bird beaks” are best for picking up different types of “prey” items.Three lab members and one guest went out to collect kelp crabs for Chris Law, who is examining bite forces of otters.Kristina Akesson and Chris Law gave “lightning” talks at the Coastal Student Awards celebration in November. Kristina was awarded a Gordon Smith Memorial Scholarship.Kristina Akesson and Chris Law gave “lightning” talks at the Coastal Student Awards celebration in November. Kristina was awarded a Gordon Smith Memorial Scholarship.