Jami Brundage
I am a third year MCD Biology student at UCSC and been a part of Cal Teach for three quarters now in order to pursue my interest in teaching secondary education. I hope to get a minor in STEM education as well. This is my first time in a research lab position. I am delighted to be a part of the ElVer lab and work with such wonderful people. My hobbies include hiking, baking, and scrapbooking.
Lindsay Young
I am a fourth year student at UCSC, majoring in Marine Biology and minoring in STEM Education. I am currently on a mission to educate and empower young scientists in the field of marine biology. I am also a Cal Teach science education intern and co-leader at the Academic Excellence Program. I look forward to bringing our lesson to local schools and continuing my pursuit of minority science education outreach in California! In my spare time, I enjoy watching reruns of Blue Planet, playing video games, and going out to the tide pools.